Wednesday, October 01, 2003

sooner than i thought

well it happened sooner than i thought. the supreme court decided to just nullify the mercantile exam and spread its 15% allotment out to the rest of the subjects.

of course we were happy. but then it was also anti-climactic.

traditionally, after the last exam of the bar, bands line up under the lrt along with the students. much like the first day of the bar exam. but then people bring beer and shower everyone walking. then off to some place where the school sponsors a drinking session - called beerops.

we didn't have that this year, owing to the fact that at that time we thought we still had one more exam.

sigh. sad. but then we made up for it. somebody brought over a videoke machine and we started singing and drinking at the lounge. we were few but it was fun.

now the only problem is what to do with my time. i think i'm in for some serious drinking.


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