Sunday, June 26, 2005

i will hug him and squeeze him and call him george

so goes my favorite line from my favorite bugs bunny episode.

it's one of the things i have always love doing. hugging.

there's always something magical about hugs. warm, safe, secure. everything is right in the world.

b and i were chatting earlier about how she prefers snuggling and cuddling to a roll in the hay. and i have to agree.

someone hugs you when you're sad, when you're happy, when you're excited about something, when you did something that deserves congratulations, when you're about to leave, when you've just arrived, when something happens, or even when nothing happens.

a hug communicates something that can never be conveyed with words.

somehow you feel a little less sad, a little more excited, a little more special, and a lot more loved.

the best thing to do when you get a hug? hug them right back.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

i give in

been avoiding admitting this for too long. i'm lonely.

it's been what? 4 months. i've been doing the rounds, going out 2 or 3 times a week, playing badminton 5 days out of 6, getting a maximum of 6 hours sleep every night.

my body is complaining, but that's tolerable. though i've never been a big fan of medicine, i do know when to quit being a hero.

but the rest of me is a wreck. i've been on automatic mode for months now. i wake up, cook, eat, take a shower, go to work, go out if there's something to do, or go home and sleep. (repeat if desired. rinse.) and the other night, r threatened to pick a fight with me if i persist.

she wants me to cry. but that's too hard. the tears won't come and ease whatever loneliness rests in my soul. the beer dulls it, the sweat mists it. but it never goes away.

i miss _____. what i would give for another year. month. week. day, even. okay, even one measly hour.

i should get some sleep. this is too pathetic already.

this i'm willing to spend for

most of my friends know that i would not shell out money for shoes, make-up, clothes, or other things considered important by most women. not that i don't find them important or necessary. it's just that i never got used to buying them for myself. being youngest has its advantages. :)

but books are a different matter. so later today i'm going to a bookstore to buy a book for this:

oh joy!

i. do. not. have. a. penis.

at least the last time i checked.

so why is my email being flooded with "ENLARGE YOUR PENIS" or "PERMANENT PENIS GROW" or "KEEP HER SATISFIED."

it irritates the hell out of me because i have to keep checking mail just to delete these mails. with the limited space provided by hotmail (yes, they're still at 2MB) i can't really afford to let my mailbox be crowded by stupid spam like this.

sigh. if i didn't love my email address so much i'd switch. but then i've had that address since 1997 and friends i haven't heard from in years still send mail to that address just to see if they got it right.

plus, i sometimes get mail from people that amuse me no end. i once got 3 emails from 3 separate guys in the UK offering to send me fare money so i could marry them. UGH. but i found it funny. but that's another story.

back to my main train of thought, i have no way of unsubscribing because i never subscribed in the first place.

sigh. irritating.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


we're havin' a baby! (not me.)

go figure. :D

Monday, June 13, 2005

no more pig for this girl. :D

Lechon Baboy: Roasted to a crisp. The main act on
a Filipino buffet repertoire.

Which Filipino Food Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

sigh. i always joked about being a roasted pig everytime i leave the beach. now here's confirmation.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

the girls

april, 2005. first time we got together again after 10 years.

Image hosted by

tinola on a cold saturday morning

there's nothing like waking up to a good home-cooked meal.

got to baguio around 630 this morning. went to sleep and got up a couple of hours later. by the time i was up and about, my parents and my sister were already done eating. but there was hot food on the table, and there were sliced fruits and the table was set for me.

i've evolved into the independent sort over the years, mainly because i lived away from home and partly for survival. so when my sister and i got an apartment, i did the cooking and the cleaning (sundays when i had the strength).

i started cooking breakfast for myself and my sister, and bringing a lunch box to school. just so i wouldn't have to spend so much of my allowance eating out.

when i started working, i did the same. cook breakfast and lunch, eat at home, bring my lunch to the office, and try to be home to eat dinner.

the set-up works well for me because i can choose what i eat, my food is msg free, i can satisfy my cravings, and i don't spend as much as i would have had i kept on eating out.

but sometimes it gets tiresome. i wake up in the morning and i tell myself to get up and start preparing for work and i just snuggle deeper into bed. i want to get at least an hour more of sleep, or perhaps two. i get up, though, and start my day.

which is why coming home is always a treat. i wake up to a home cooked meal and i don't have to measure food by the cup, or think about what i'm going to have for my next meal.

i am the independent sort. but there's nothing like going home.

Monday, June 06, 2005

quick shout out

happy birthday ate lan. :D love you.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

education and the high cost of living

school's almost here and every now and then i hear my friends, and even strangers, complain about how expensive it's gotten to put kids through school.

my officemate's children are required to buy around 3000 pesos worth of books per year. not to mention the rising tuition fees. and her kids are only in grade school. they have to buy workbooks for each subject.

workbooks are foreign to me. when we were in grade school, the school lent us the books, we copied the exercises in our notebooks, and gave the books back at the end of the school year. notebooks are much cheaper than books. plus i find the thought of writing in books abhorrent, kahit na workbooks sila.

preschool is worse. i overheard a conversation in the jeep the other day about how this woman put her son in day care because it's only 1500 pesos a year, plus a monthly fee of 75 pesos. she said the preschool she was looking at was charging something like 27000 per year for a 3 year old kid.

what's up with that? i know that children that age are only learning their abc's and colors and shapes and that they have more playtime than school time.

i remember going to nursery school when i was 5. my mom assures me that my tuition that time was nowhere near the thousands. of course that was ages ago. but still. all we did was learn our alphabet, have snacktime, naptime, playtime, then go home. wala namang makapagsasabing tanga ako.

it amazes me how these things work out lately. the tuition for a year in preschool costs more than my 4 semesters in law school... give or take a sem or two.

i've heard it said that people put their children as young as 2 years old to preschool because they have to work and school is the only place they could leave them without fear.

that's sad.

i wonder how it will be when i have kids. sigh. it's enough to give anyone a headache.