Sunday, December 28, 2003

i have returned

i have been in a rut for the past few days (weeks? months? years?)

the year is almost at a close and i suppose it's normal for me to get depressed, considering that this time last year i was going through hell. i guess i should be thankful i'm better.

well i am.

but that doesn't stop me from feeling a little down. they are not mutually exclusive feelings.

i have taken to long solitary walks. i rarely drive, and only when asked. (convenient, actually, because there are a lot of idiots in town at the moment. they don't know how to drive.) i disappear for hours on end and my family suspects i've been out meeting with so-and-so, and so-and-so... rendezvous, if you wish. i think it's wishful thinking on their part.

sorry to disappoint them.

i bought a sketchbook, so as to put my ID materials to good use. my brother in law said my first sketch looks like a graveyard. i looked. he was right. goes to show my state of mind.

but drawing is good. no matter how bad i am at it. maybe it'll help me get out of the rut i'm in in time for the new year.

maybe i'll start writing again. my notebooks are beginning to look forlorn.

and then i'll make my resume.

there. looks like i have a plan, stan.

now to stick to the plan.

hope all you guys are enjoying the rest of the holidays.

getting some shut-eye now.

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